Associate Professor Altay Eren

Altay Eren is an Associate Professor at Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, Bolu, Turkey. His expertise relates to educational neuroscience, episodic memories of prospective teachers, motivation, time perspective, mediation analysis, academic optimism, and epistemic curiosity. He has been publishing research and review articles in these areas, and mentoring research students for their theses. A few examples of his recent publications regarding the mentioned research areas are presented below.

Examples of recent publications

  • Eren, A. (2009). Self-efficacy beliefs and mental time travel ability: Uncovering a hidden relationship in educational settings. Learning and Individual Differences, 19(4), 513-517.
  • Eren, A. (2009). Exploring the relationships among mirror neurons, theory of mind, and achievement goals: Towards a model of achievement goal contagion in educational settings. Educational Research Review, 4(3), 233-247.
  • Eren, A. (2009). Examining the teacher efficacy and achievement goals, as predictors of Turkish student teachers' conceptions about teaching and learning, Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 34(1), 69-87.
  • Eren, A. (2009). Exploring the effects of changes in future time perspective and perceived instrumentality on graded performance. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 7(3), 1217-1248.
  • Eren, A. (2010). Involuntary mental time travel and its effect on prospective teachers' situational intrinsic motivations. Learning and Individual Differences, 20(6), 677-681.
  • Eren, A. (2010). Consonance and dissonance between Turkish prospective teachers' values and practices: Conceptions about teaching, learning, and assessment. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 35(3), 27-48.
  • Eren, A., & Tezel, K. V. (2010). Factors influencing teaching choice, professional plans about teaching, and future time perspective: A mediational analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(7), 1416-1428.
  • Özçetin, N., & Eren, A. (2010). The effects of perceived instrumentality and future time perspective on students' graded performance and attitudes regarding English class. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 1(4), 40-47. (This article was based on the First Author's master thesis, and Altay Eren was supervisor of the thesis).
  • Eren, A. (2011). Prospective teachers' general epistemic curiosity and domain-specific epistemic curiosity: The mediating role of perceived instrumentality. In R. M. Teixeira (Ed.). Higher Education in a State of Crisis (163-183). New York, NY: Nova Publishers.
  • Erten, Ö., Ece, A. S., & Eren, A. (2011). The effects of music on reading comprehension: Let the music play or not? New York, NY: Lambert Academic Publishing. (This book was based on the first Author's master thesis, and Altay Eren was co-supervisor of the thesis).
  • Eren, A. (2012). Prospective teachers' future time perspective and professional plans about teaching: The mediating role of academic optimism. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(1), 111-123.