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Amanda Bell BA App Sci, MBus (Research)
In 2003 Amanda completed a Bachelor of Applied Science majoring in Human Resource Management and Psychology, and for four years worked as a Sessional Tutor of Human Resource Management with higher education students. Since being involved in the FIT-Choice project, she has completed a Master of Business (by Research) and also works as a Tutor at Monash University in the Faculty of Education. Amanda is currently enrolled as a PhD student at Monash University where she is extending the FIT-Choice project to the realm of nursing; investigating the motivations to choose nursing as a career and nurses’ wellbeing.
Managing project library, Newsletter development, Protocol management
Bell, A., Rajendran, D., & Theiler, S. (2012). Job stress, wellbeing, work-life balance and work-life conflict among Australian academics. E-Journal of Applied Psychology, 8(1), 18-30.
Bell, A., Rajendran, D., & Theiler, S. (2012). Spirituality at work: An employee stress intervention for academics? International Journal of Business and Social Science, 3(11), 68-82. [pdf available]
Bell, A., Rajendran, D., & Theiler, S. (September 2010). Does the motivation to achieve spirituality at work help buffer the influence of job stress on work-life issues, and health amongst Australian academics?, Paper presented at the 12th International Conference on Motivation, Portugal, September 2 - 4, 2010. [pdf available] [Facebook ICM]
Bell, A., Rajendran, D., & Theiler, S. (2010). An examination of the influence of perceived job threat, job pressure and work-life balance/conflict among Australian academics. Paper presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, July 11 - 16, 2010. [pdf available]
Rajendran, D., Weaver, D., Bell, A., & Jopp, R., (2007). Supporting undergraduate management students to develop employability skills. Paper presented at the 21st ANZAM Conference, Sydney, December 4-7, 2007.
Bell, A. (June 2013). Factors Influencing Nursing Choice (FIN-Choice). Graduate Women Victoria Scholarship Presentation, Melbourne, June 8, 2013.
Bell, A. (October 2013). Supporting Students with Physical Challenges or (Dis)Ability. EDF4007 lecture, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Bell, A. (February 2010). The buffering effects of spirituality at work: An investigation of job stress, health and work-life practices amongst academics. Unpublished Master of Business (by Research) thesis, Swinburne University [Supervised by Dr. Diana Rajendran and Dr. Stephen Theiler].
Front page of the Lilydale Yarra Valley Leader August 8th 2007
Bell, A. (2004). How physical fitness helped me recover after serious injury, Headway News, Spring, pp. 6-7.